Product Design – Mobile App
Chase Natural Language Search
How can we turn some high level design thinking into something into a real product that works?
When I started at Chase there had been a lot of vision work, but not much thought about how that vision translates into a buildable, functional "thing" in code. I spent the majority of my time at Chase working on translating a concept and requirements list into a usable, compelling product.
Turning a big idea into a real feature
My role was to work out the UX and UI details and work with the development team to get these ideas into production. How do we display results? How many results can we display? Are there technical issues with the data we need to sidestep with smart design? Can we extend this with functionality like filtering if the technology behind the “core experience” of natural language search is still a work in progress?
I had to work through all these questions and many more, as the product was already in active development with a fifteen engineer offshore team when I started at Chase.
Filter interface
Although it isn't as sexy as natural language, there was also a need for a robust filter interface while the core technology was in development. I did a lot of work driving out the interface and ensuring we were staying in sync with other filter flows at Chase
Prototyping and Research
We worked extensively with Chase’s UX research team, bringing robust prototypes to user testing and taking that feedback back to the design process. We ran a number of qualitative tests as well as simple unmoderated A/B testing. Although I didn’t do research myself I was “in the room” with testers several times and worked extensively with my counterpart in user research.