
Installations and Performances in Real-time


Real-time A/V work produced in Unity in 2020. The clips in this reel represent small windows into longer form art pieces.

Some of these pieces have been shown at arts festivals (Undulating Plain at the LOOPS festival at VSW gallery in Rochester, NY) or performed live (Emerging Forms at EdgeCut | HYBRIDITY @ NEW INC.)

This work asks questions about the nature of authorship and storytelling, the creative possibilities of emergent behavior and "bottom-up" AI, the relationships between systems and their creators, and the possibility of "hacking" commercial CGI and game tools into fine-art contexts.

By employing systems, simulations, and complex behavior, these pieces also invert the usual relationships of the audio to the visual in A/V work. As opposed to film music or VJ sets, what we see here is one system that plays out as both sound and vision.


Emerging Forms